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Single Player Demo Patch 1

Hey guys! This update includes bug fixes, a few UI changes, and improved balancing for the Single player Demo! Thank you all for your feedback!


Additions and changes: * Added a simple minimap. * Redesigned the Main Menu, let us know if you like it! * Reworked the player movement script to be more consistent as well as working for different heights, which will be needed for Bosses and future modes.


Balance changes: * Increased the maximum zoom distance (50 -> 60) * Increased player acceleration (80 -> 100) * Rebalanced pretty much all Arena levels. They should now feel more consistent.

Runling Run: * Reduced Player movement speed (15 -> 13). * Player now spawns at the front end of the platform instead of in the middle. * Level 6 Normal: Increased the speed of blue drones, but reduced the spawnrate. * Level 2 Hard: Reduced the amount of grey drones. * Level 3 Hard: Reduced the amount of blue drones slightly. * Level 5 Hard: Reduced the amount of red drones slightly.


Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug where the remaining time didn't get converted to score after completing Level 9 in Time Mode. * Fixed a bug where it didn't load previous Level 9 records properly. * Fixed a bug where the wrong score screen got shown at the end of a game. * The "Restart Game" button now properly loads Level 1 of the game mode you are playing. * Fixed a bug where adjusting your camera (while it was rotated) was messing up WASD camera movement.


Next up we will be working on Multiplayer and Leveling System. Look forward to it and as usual, leave us feedback in the forums!

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